"Patience and time do more than strength or passion."

-Jean de la fontaine

"Sometimes we find what we're looking for."

-Jean de la fontaine

"It is no use running; one must start on time."  

-Jean de la fontaine

 "Everyone seeks their own pleasure, and no one is content."

-Jean de la fontaine

"We must, as much as we can, oblige everyone: Often, one needs someone smaller than oneself."

-Jean de la fontaine

"The perfect is the enemy of the good."

-Jean de la fontaine

"Every flatterer lives at the expense of the one who listens to him."

-Jean de la fontaine

"Might is right."

-Jean de la fontaine

"Not all fables are equally good."

-Jean de la fontaine

"The habit does not make the monk."

-Jean de la fontaine

thanks for reading!

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